Saturday, November 07, 2009


Being with a partner is not always easy and the two most important words necessary to remember are possibly - compromise and perspective.

Recently, after having some discussions with various acquaintances, who like me have a passion for music, I have come to the conclusion that these two words can be just as important when it comes to playing in a band. There is a big commitment in coming together with a group of people in order to share a common sound or noise, depending on your perspective. It can lead to arguments, unfaithfulness and to being stood up on occasions but, on the other hand, as one friend quite rightly put it, singing is like making love. If this is the case, sharing this with a combination of other instruments could be perceived as being an orgy.

Before I get too carried away, I want to come back to the feeling of being cheated on. This happened to me yesterday and I suspect that an affair is taking place behind my back. In fact I know that this is the case and that I am being cheated on. The guilty party even informed quite plainly that he spent last evening with his girlfriend which left me with a sour taste in my mouth which is still proving extremely difficult to wash away.

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