Sunday, January 18, 2009


I am delighted with my new camera and take it out far more often than I expected and when I don't have it with me, I curse myself for missing out on such great opportunities which I can see but cannot capture .
Flat problems are the highlight or should I say lowlight of things at the moment. Power cuts have been followed by a non - spinning washing machine which has somehow become the responsibility for me and my flatmate. On top of this there is the smell from the bathroom. That's the thing about living in the centre - great location but appalling standards and the former is the excuse used by landlords and ladies.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Winter Blues

Winter has not been kind so far as temperatures are reported to have dipped to as low as -24 degrees which is not the type of thing which makes you want to leave your home. In my case problems with heating and electrical breakdowns made moving in anyway the most important means for surviving these tough frost biting times.
Still, the brightness of the snow does brighten up the place and I ventured out to take some snaps with my new camera. On the first day, there was too much snow and the cold started gnawing at my exposed hands which were screaming at me to be covered. The second attempt brought about a more extreme situation. I had to go into a music shop to try to ease the pain which was rushing through my hands having been exposed for too long while trying to get some photos. There was only one problem though, I couldn't see a thing as my glasses were fogged up. It took a long time but eventually a hot coffee in a nearby cafe brought the blood back into my hands.

Thankfully the temperatures have increased a little and my fuseboard has been replaced with a modern one. The heating is now on full blast with no let up. The absence of insulation doesn't help matters much though and summer seems so far away...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Technological Difficulty Solved

Everyone has now been given the chance to comment on anything I have written to date and what will come in the future thanks to the help of someone who knows more than I do about Blogs and computers in general (this is not very hard, really!). I would like to thank Asia for her help and her encouragement in making this Blog what it really is.

Out With The Old, In With The New

2009 is upon us and like most people I am wondering where 2008 went to. It is a sign of increasing years I suppose when you start sounding like your parents.

My trip to Ireland was an enjoyable one and a relaxing one. One of the highlights was 'squirrel feeding' - the new hobby among my family. A quick tap on the ground was enough to encourage these cute but deceivingly sharp-clawed creatures towards our outstretched nut-bearing hands.
The aim of the whole exercise was to take as many photos as each of us could and I think we did okay.

One of the other highlights was encouraging my dog to take part in the festive spirit.