Monday, September 01, 2008

The Electric Picnic

The Electric Picnic was as I was promised from the many previews I read just before it, an 'eclectic' mix of culture and mayhem. The highlight for me was seeing Stephen Malkmus and the silent disco was a lot of fun. There was a nice crowd of friendly and open-minded people allt he way through the weekend except for the last day when the mood seemed to change. Personally, I blame the Sex Pistols for the change in atmosphere as scumbags appeared from their tents.
The rain also started and Asia and my worry about the ability of our tent to stand up to the rain became irrelevent when we returned to find our tent had completely disappeared. Eventually we got out of there on the six o'clock bus. A sorry wet end to a great weekend the scum will not triumph over the good people who I met.

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