Eggs for
breakfast and too many were not enough. I don’t know how many I had but it was
a lot. I felt well-fed, well-rested and ready to cycle the short distance to Warka and then
Warsaw. Before I left, I was also given a packed lunch for the
journey by my friend’s mother. There was nothing else I could have asked for.
Great hospitality and care.

From Czerwonka, I took the 730 to
Warka and then the 731 which later joined the 79. Góra Kalwaria is obviously a
busy interection for lorry drivers as I have never seen so many lorries in one
area. I felt tiny on my little bike in contrast to these metal, dirt spewing
giants. The roundabout before the town was so crowded with them that I couldn’t
wait to get away from there. I kept moving and took the less busy 724 which lead to
Warsaw and this was where I felt something was
wrong with the bike. I looked down to check what it was and saw that my back
tyre was flat. This is always a risk but not something I had expected to have
to deal with. There was a repair kit in my bag but my previous
attempts to repair punctures have nearly always ended up with lots of
frustration involving struggles to get the tryres off and on. I remember one
occasion when I managed this but then somehow made another hole in the tube
when putting the tyre back on.
There was no time to waste. I had to do something. There were some
houses nearby so I approached one and opened the gate. As usual there was a dog
there who made sure he was heard. The owner appeared and I explained the
problem. He gave me the bucket I requested and let me get on with things.
Surprisingly, fixing the puncture was relatively easy and it was not long
before I was back on the road again feeling very proud and grateful for the
help which came at the end when he helped me to wash the oil from my hands.

My pace picked up again and remained quite fast until I reached
the outskirts of
Warsaw. This was a proud moment and a photo moment. From Kraków to
Warsaw felt good. It really felt like I had
achieved something even though getting to the centre of the capital still took
some time. The traffic was pretty heavy but I kept going at a fast pace until I
reached sights that were familiar to me.

Time for lunch in
Łazienkowski Park, a relaxing place to stop and a welcome
break from the noisy traffic from earlier. The only thing was that now that I
was in
Warsaw, I wasn’t sure whether to stay or not. It
was tempting. After eating all of my food supplies, disasater struck again, the
chain came off my bike, not once but twice. I was really getting fed up with
bike problems and felt like abandoning it in a ditch but couldn’t bring myself
to do it even though my patience was really being tested.

After a bit more exploring in
Warsaw that involved briefly going into the
Old Town and then Old Praga, I decided to leave.
Łomianki was next on my map but it turned out to be a mistake. By the Wisła
there was a path but this turned into a dirt path that was too sandy at parts
to manage so I had to dismount and walk. When I finally got back onto concrete
again, a local woman helped me to get to Łomianki but then I was faced by a
forest which scared me as it looked easy to get lost there. Nervously I
ventured in feeling that there was no choice. I rode for a bit before deciding
what to do. I didn’t want to take the
busy E77 or the forest so I backtracked and took the road to a place called
Stary Babice and then rode past village after village in a daze. It was slowly
starting to get dark and there was no sign of any accommodation anywhere so I
kept pedaling as if trying to escaping the darkness creeping up behind me. This
continued until I got to Leszno and that was when I asked a local if there was
any accommodation in this town and was so happy when she gave me some good
Cycling past the forest to my right, I was so happy not to have to
resort to camping wild once again. The sound of insects was a sure sign of
being bitten multiple times during the night had I slept in a tent. The hotel
that was recommended was not bad at all. The price for a room was really low at
only 36PLN, without a TV I must add (it was 48PLN for a room with a TV). The room was clean and very modern as
was the hotel. What a surprise in such a quiet area called Julinek. Dinner back
in Leszno and then a really scary cycle back in the dark before bed after a
testing day.
1 comment:
good for you
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